Serving the Denver Metro area and nearby eastern-plains rural areas including Watkins, Bennett, Strasburg, Byers, Deer Trail, Kiowa, Elizabeth, Parker, Franktown, Castle Rock, me.
(303) 807-6837
From derelict fixers to exquisite remodels, condos to mansions, cabins to estates, plains to hills, and rural to urban; I have inspected the oldest home in Denver to new construction and everything in between.
Home Inspection
Radon testing
Water Potability & Quality Testing
Thermal Imaging Survey
For Wells:
Pressure tank & switch inspection
Basic Potability/Bacteria Test
Expanded Chemistry/Metals Tests
Other services may be available
Services included in all home inspections:
Accessible visible parts of roof, structure, foundation, plumbing, electrical, heating, cooling, appliances. While the main purpose of a home inspection is to identify health, safety, and/or major expense concerns, many lessor defects are reported.
Termites are rare in this area of Colorado but as an entomologist, I know how to look for them and occasionally find them.
Mold problems, in our arid climate, are usually caused by leaks or poor water maintenance or bad construction techniques. Our most common wood destroying organism is in the form of "dry rot." I am always looking for any evidence of mold, termites, and damaged wood problems (WDO).
Additional Services (for additional charges):
Drinking water quality test (potability) for lead and toxic heavy metals can find unexpected problems with water even on municipal systems because of imported fixtures not made to US standards or improper/unsafe plumbing. Older homes can have problems associated with piping and lead solder connections. This EPA approved testing also includes total solids, PH, alkalinity, and total hardiness.
I can test for levels of radon gas (requires two trips to the home and my radon instrument must be in the home for a minimum of forty-eight hours.) I offer thermal imaging surveys with a FLIR E-6 Infrared Camera, which can be useful for finding insulation issues, hidden water leaks and some electrical problems.
Rural/acreage inspections:
Though the majority of my home inspections are in residential areas, I live on a rural acreage property with a well. I understand rural living. For buyers of properties with a water well, I offer an arms-length potability E. coli-coliform test which is usually required by lenders. Additionally for well water, I offer the same drinking water quality test plus nitrites/nitrates which can migrate into wells from fertilizer and have several severe health concerns. For wells, arsenic can naturally occur, and I test for the presence of arsenic.